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A Bit About Me

"I believe we can bring about change in the world because we have the power in our minds, in our hands, and in our voices--the dreamers, the music makers, and the passionate."
--Oneida L. Gilbert       

"I studied elementary education, music, and theology, and I am a retired nurse. I am a composer of words that inspire, heal, entertain, have a positive impact, and provoke thought. I am an impassioned writer, optimistic visionary, an honest poet, and self-proclaimed world changer with an inclusive mindset. I am an entrepreneur and creator. I believe all cultures, backgrounds and walks of life have something special or unique to bring to the proverbial table of fellowship. I write, muse, and talk about what I believe and know to be true and truth. I believe all earthlings are connected to One Source (Eternal Energy, Higher Power, Universe, Divine Intelligence and Consciousness we have named God) which cannot be fully comprehended, adequately defined, or even named with human intellect and that there can be no separation from that Source. My belief--we are one with Source (God), one another, Mother Earth, and all that exists. Everything that Source is, we are. And everything we are, that Source is... My being is sacred, divine, timeless, and eternal. Therefore, I am.


Love yourself, love life, cherish your moments and fond memories, appreciate your blessings. Create and spread positive vibes. Always let your beautiful light shine. Enjoy your journey!” Oneida L. Gilbert










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